Thursday, 23 February 2017


Walt : display data on histogram, tally chat
Walt : interpret information from histograms and tally marks eg. medium, mode, range, mean

I was able to put the data the we found into a tally chart and a histogram. I thought this was easy.

Here is some of the statics I interpreted:

  • The range for the first name scores was from 4 - 20
  • The range for the last name scores was from 2 - 21
  • The range for the full name scores was from 9 - 31
  • The most popular scores for the first name was 14
  • The most popular scores for the last name was 11
  • The most popular scores for the full name was 22.
  • The average for the first name scores was 10.34
  • The average for the last name scores was 10.79
  • The average for the full name scores was 21.13

The mode is the number that appears the most number of times. The median is the number that  is in the middle of the set of numbers. The mean is the average. You add up all the numbers then divide that number by how many numbers there were.

This is the video I watched to help me learn about mean, medium and mode.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great learning Nadia you started school later than everyone, however, you were able to complete this maths learning (which was quite tricky at times).